The Weekly Digest: July 28 — August 3 The Weekly Digest: July 28 — August 3


Hi, everyone!

That wasn't a very eventful week. Everybody seems to be slumbering in the summer heat; the tech news summer landscape is utterly dim the second year running after Apple moved its iPhone presentations from June to the later months. The only acitive discussion among the techies seems to be another round of Apple's new product rumors, which everyone is already totally fed up with. Nevertheless, we did our best to find and present you the best and most interesting news from the tech industry as well as bring you the latest updates of the most important programs.


This Monday was an unusual one. People seemed to be keeping their eyes open for news more serious than top 5 zombie games or Facebook peeping into our private conversations. The big Monday story was Google rolling out a new awesome feature for the tablets. Now, you can breethe freely, as you don't have anymore to use that 'shoot-me-please' virtual keypads for entering your Google search queries. I don't know about you, but I hope this new great feature will become a trend and find its way to other apps and web-sites. Hate these nasty things.


On Tuesday we decided to make it up for the serious Monday and devoted our article to the cheesiest tech ads the world has seen in the last thirty years. The reason for this was... guess what? Right, Apple's Genius Bar commercials.


The patent war between Apple (yes, again) and Samsung was the source of the sensational new about the Koreans readying a Retina tablet. That was the subject of our third feature.


Finally, the last but not least article was about Microsoft launching its new mail service, Microsoft is on the image change spree, and is one of their new products that are supposed to make us look at the Redmond company in a new way.



Perhaps the most important update of this week was the new Fraps version. Let's-players' favorite software is now delivered as version 3.5.6!

SeaMonkey, the continuation of the Mozilla Application Suite was updated as well. Previously developed by Mozilla, it is now a community-driven project and may be of interest to those of you who are looking for the alternative web-browsing solutions.

The third noteworthy update was the new version of OpenVPN, a program used for creating private networks using wide public networks like Internet combined with various tunneliing and security protocols (don't even try it if you don't think you're tech savvy).

Oh, and of course, the new version of Dropbox, the most popular cloud storage service, has also been released. I personally still prefer it both to Google Drive and Microsoft SkyDrive. Call me a die-hard but I prefer the independent developers, not affiliated with the IT grands. That's why Dropbox is still my web storage of choice.

So, that's it for this week. Have a nice weekend and keep watching the Olympics in London! =-)

Referenced Windows applications


Keep all your files in one place, and organize it just the way you want.


Fraps is a real-time video capture & benchmarking software.


Transfer data more securely through a virtual private network.


The SeaMonkey project is a community effort to develop the SeaMonkey.

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