The Weekly Digest: August 4 — August 10
Hi everyone!
It's Friday again and it means it's the Weekly Digest time! Let's cast a glance at what the tech world buzzed about this week, what grabbed our attention and what cool things we reported to you about.
It would be no exaggeration to say that there are very few of us who think they're dummie users. We're all power users who know the software on their computer down to the smallest detail. Our first feature this week dealt with such subtleties in Opera. Honestly, what could be more power using than power using of the geekiest major web-browser?
Second big topic we talked about this week was actually two Google-releated topics. First, StatCounter reported that Chrome has managed to successfully retain and even develop its leadership in the global browser market share. However, StatCoutner's methods for counting staitstical data are fiercely criticized, notably by the Microsoft, which develops Internet Explorer, the major rival browser of Chrome. Second, important news came from Apple who declared that the YouTube app will not be delivered on iDevices any longer by default.
Another feature story is... yeah, you'be guessed it righ, about Apple and Samsung suing each other to death. It think we could even set up a separate section for the patent war news, something like 'Weekly Patent Digest'. Nevertheless, it is hard to think of any other tech news that would bring in so much fun.
A somewhat nerdier topic was certainly the one about the goals and problems of GNOME OS, which is planned to be released somewhere in 2014. Yet it doesn't mean you won't like reading about it if you're no computer nerd: the open-source OS for the mobile devices sounds much like one of those 'live-the-future'-topics.
Finally, the last article this week is about Google, PayPal and the US mobile carriers (yeap, these evil guys) forming a new joint committee to work out a universal development strategy for the mobile industry. We really hope they won't screw it too much.
As usual, there is some program updates we'd like to focus your attention on, primarily because we find these programs awesome.
This week, the undisputed champion among the updates is Google Chrome Frame. For those of you who are still using Internet Explorer (let's face the truth, there are hundreds of thousands of these people), this IE plug-in will be totally indispensable, because it is supposed to bring much of the Chrome functionality and a speedy JavaScript engine to Microsoft's browser.
Another important programs that was updated earlier this week was VLC media player. Despite the dreadful design, this is one of the best free media players you can find on the Internet, so its update is big news.
Speaking of small free programs, we shouldn't forget BitTorrent, the second-popular torrent client in the world. If you, by any chance, have never tried it, than you should realy give it a chance: it's great.
The last but not least (and probably rather biggest) update of this week is Windows 7 Manager. It is in fact a nice utility pack that helps you customize your Windows 7 OS the way you like it, tweaking it up to the ultimate perfection. A must-have program, a must-have update.
So, that's it for this week. Have a nice weekend and watch the Olympics Closing Ceremony! =-)