eBay found a new way to ban counterfeit goods from its store eBay found a new way to ban counterfeit goods from its store

Amazon recently started developing new ways of removing counterfeit goods from their store. Now, eBay is following in Amazon's footsteps launching an authentication program destined to prevent the showcasing and selling of fake products on its website. By doing so, the e-commerce company intends to boost the confidence among online shoppers while reassuring they will also look out for the brand owners and users who sell original goods.

A team of professional authenticators will verify if products are original or fake. The project will begin by checking high-end items, such as purses or products related to fashion industry. eBay sellers who trade expensive products will need to pay a certain amount of cash (the price is currently unknown) to benefit of the new authentication service. If their product proves to be original, eBay will add a note to the item's page informing customers that, if they acquire it, an authentication service will verify whether the merchandise is original or not before shipping it. A good aspect is that, if the product proves to be fake, the online shopper immediately gets reimbursed.

eBay plans to launch the authentication service later this year. For now, it's in its testing period.

If you want to read more about online shopping you should check some of our other stories: "Top 7 shopping apps for Android", "eBay Puts Its Users at Risk" or "Want to Buy".

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