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Free software for reading and studying different versions of the Bible.
you with Bible...the tools, Bibles and Easton's Bible Dictionary
New International Version is a translation of the Bible created by 100+ scholars.
Bible (NIV) has been to allow Bible...several Bibles...view multiple Bible
A good Bible viewer with some interesting features.
support! * Multiple Bible interface, * Complex...ALL installed Bibles simultaneously
MoNooN Bible Reader is the software that enables that you read the Bible.
installing some Bible versions, which...12.9 update), NIV (2002.12...use MONooN Bible
NIVSBN includes complete NIV Bible text with cross-references and introductions.
complete NIV Bible text...a complete NIV bible text consisting...The NIV Bible and NIV
The NIV Bible with complete NIV Study Bible Notes, cross references.
Bible with complete NIV Study Bible...the complete NIV Bible text...the bible alongside
Made to meet the needs of students, teachers and Bible readers.
teachers and Bible readers...the New Bible Commentary...on the NIV text
It is a software program designed to help you learn and memorize the Word of God.
International Version (NIV) Bible
It can project words for any purpose including songs, hymns, Bible passages.
songs, hymns, Bible passages, liturgy...Complete with NIV Bible
church presentation software.
lyrics, backgrounds, Bible translations ...popular Bible translations like the NIV