Top rated in Multiple Desktops
Make your CDs auto run in a default browser with splash screens, link menus, drive icons and more.
It is easily configured to any regular shift schedule.
Easy to learn investigator software.
Manage your website even if you're offline and just syncronize with live website
Your notes and you contacts can be one click away one your desktop.
Small utility that allows you to quickly make in-memory copies of whatever is c
Lets you design unique Sims that will be playable in The Sims 2 and sharable with your friends.
Keeping children safe is the primary focus of child check-in software.
Is a compatibility software for information about office machines, supplies etc.
Software-only teleprompter, designed by
Desktop application based on adobe air.
Simple anti-distraction program for Windows XP.
Ultimate multiple desktop application.
Virtual desktop manager developed with Microsoft C#.NET.
GV 3.0™ is the only DoD ISR Task-Force endorsed full motion video viewer.
A free Windows 95 desktop manager that allows your workspace to be divided into six virtual desktops
Utility that mimics MacOSX Expose feature.
Desktop on-screen Magnifier program.
Perfect tool to easily edit ThinApp packages.
Mosaic is an application that brings Metro UI to your desktop.
Freeware that can create multiple desktops.
A interface that revolutionizes from opening, flexiblity and navigability.
Yod'm 3D is a virtual desktop manager available for Windows
Campus emergency notifications directly on your desktop.