Top rated in Education

Allows you to use Gapminder World without an Internet connection available.

You can use it to listen to any text in any application, document or web page.

Prog Finder was designed to adjust Terristeral antenna and Satellite dish.

The project aims to create a feature-rich dictionary lookup program.

WordCaptureX has been designed to address the needs of linguistic tools

Great software for building your family tree

You can bring spatial data from many sources into the ArcGIS environment.

It allows you to write Assamese characters on any application or editor.

A spelling dictionary pack for Adobe Reader with support for 32 languages.

Correct and improve your English texts at spelling, grammar, and style levels.

Powerful 3D visual guide to the human body.

Create an online virtual classroom.

Check for plagiarism on any text using other Web or local documents.

This program helps you find the meaning of words instantly in the Odia language.

It improves Hindi and English typing speed and accuracy.

Get back the old Windows calculator in your desktop with this free program.

A professional tool for preparing your MS-CIT exam.

A flash game that improves your knowledge of punctuation marks in English.

MATLAB (Matrix Laboratory) is a mathematical and scientific computational tool.

Learn typing in English and Hindi for various Indian Government exams.

A collection of mathematical tools for algebra, calculus and geometry.

NJStar Communicator enables normal Windows apps to read and write Chinese.

SYSTRAN is the best translation program that you can get.

E-Notebook Ultra electronically organizes information